
illustration:  graphicsfairy.comThank you for dropping in!

Photography has been a passion since I was a teen, and is the creative outlet I seem to keep going back to.  I used to prefer photographing strangers on the street, because of how it could motivate the viewer to invent their own story about the person.  Now I’m mostly drawn to flora and fauna and feel that nature photos inspire a story, too.

I also have taken the occasional foodie photo, and included amazing recipes that were handed down to me by a humble friend who wishes to remain anonymous.  Many people starting out on a creative path are drawn to a mentor, someone we look up to.  She was and is such a person to me.

Thanks again for visiting and I hope you’ll keep stopping by to see how I’m doing.

39 comments on “about

  1. Hello – Love your site thanks for visiting Gingerfightback

  2. Learner Londoner says:

    The photographs are stunning! And that cake has got my mouth watering :)

  3. parulkanse says:

    You have written the introduction so beautifully. So much humility there. Lots to learn for me.

  4. Congratulations, I have given you a blog award! Check it out here: http://bakingbohemian.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/an-award/

  5. Hello
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my little blog. I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog

  6. I love your blog ! keep in touch.

  7. Thanks for all the likes of my blog where you based by the way?

    • you’re very welcome! i’m in the states but spent several months in ireland back in ’03. i really adored living there and your blog writing and photos bring back that heartwarming feeling. and of course the gorgeous cheeses and their artful makers.

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog today and liking my post about Sunwapta Falls. I look forward to learning more about the aesthetic treats on your blog as I follow.

    Take care,


  9. Børge says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today eclectic faerie :)
    Looking forward to follow your future blog posts!

  10. Hello! I’ve just nominated you for a thought provoking blog award Check out my latest post if you choose to accept it. Thank you for your lovely blog. xx

  11. Gary Donaldson says:

    Hi! Thanks for “liking” my post today and displaying it on your website! I really enjoy your blog, as well.

  12. dave the muse says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my newest post. You’ve got an eye for the small details similar to mine, it seems. :) Jule, Assistant to Dave the Muse

  13. shellyfaber says:

    Thank you for reading my Haiku. I am enjoying yours, and, your beautiful photos.

  14. bussokuseki says:

    Beautiful pairings of images and words here…thank you for sharing them all… Be well~

  15. ramblingratz says:

    Love your gravatar – and the rest of your site.

  16. ramblingratz says:

    I hope that you don’t mind, but I have nominated your site for some awards, see here:

  17. beeseeker says:

    Glad to have found your blog; eclectic is going to be my “word of the day”.

  18. redtearsblackwings says:

    Hi I realise this is random but I do quite like your blog so I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award that promotes new blogs. For more details please see my post: http://thetruthaboutibs.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/liebster-award/

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